Sunday, November 22, 2015

Hemp Milk Latte

Hemp milk has such a rich, unique flavor! If you haven't tried it, you are in for a treat.

Since I had my first Hemp Milk Latte from Green Zebra Grocery in Portland, OR I have been craving the thick deliciousness almost every day. I really love coffee, but I can't justify spending so much going out everyday. Luckily, hemp milk foams up so nicely, you won't need fancy espresso machine to steam up this silky beverage.

Perfect pairing with breakfast, or afternoon cozy time-out.
Or like me, getting me through the start of Christmas Card signing... 

How is it almost December already??

What you'll need: 

1 cup Unsweetened Hemp Milk
Extra-Strong brewed coffee***
(or espresso/instant espresso if you are desperate)
2 dashes Cinnamon
1 tsp Agave (optional)


Make your coffee

While your coffee is a brewin', heat your hemp milk in a sauce pan until scalding hot, and just before it is simmering, pour into a blender. 

EXTREMELY IMPORTANT TIP: Use a blender with removable hole on the top, cover with kitchen towel so steam can escape but it will not splash out and burn you.

Blend on high for 2-3 minutes or "Smoothie Mode" on some models or until you can see it getting frothy, and slightly lighter in color. 

The milk and foam will slightly separate, this is normal. 

Pour just the milk into a glass (while holding the foam back with a spoon)
Add desired amount of coffee
*Add Agave if desired* and stir

Finally, Top with remaining foam and garnish with a dash or two of cinnamon.


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